
There are two different ways to setup Gokapi: Either a bare metal approach or docker.

Also there are two different versions: Stable indicates that you are using the latest release which should work without any bugs. Unstable is the latest developer version, which might include more features, but could also contain bugs.


Bare Metal

Stable version

Download the latest release and copy the executable into a new folder with write permissions. Select the executable according to your system. If you are using Windows, select gokapi-windows_amd64, for Mac either gokapi-darwin_amd64 or gokapi-darwin_arm64 and for Linux the gokapi-linux_ file matching your system.

Unstable version

Only recommended if you have experience with the command line. Go 1.20+ needs to be installed.

Create a new folder and in this folder execute

git clone .
go generate ./...
go build Gokapi/cmd/gokapi

This will compile the source code and create an executable from the latest code.


To download, run the following command, and replace YOURTAG with either latest (stable) or latest-dev (unstable).

docker pull

If you want to install the unstable version, use latest-dev instead of latest

If you don’t want to download the prebuilt image, you can find the Dockerfile on the Github project page.

First Start

After the first start you will be redirected to a setup webpage. To change the port for the setup please set the GOKAPI_PORT env variable, see Environment variables

Starting Gokapi

Bare Metal

To start Gokapi, execute the binary with your command line or by double clicking.


To start the container, run the following command:

docker run -v gokapi-data:/app/data -v gokapi-config:/app/config -p f0rc3/gokapi:latest

With the argument -p the service will only be accessible from the machine it is running on. In most use-cases you will use a reverse proxy for SSL - if you want to make the service available to other computers in the network without a reverse proxy, replace the argument with -p 53842:53842. Please note, unless you select SSL during the setup, the traffic will not be encrypted that way and data like passwords or transferred files can easily be read by third parties!

Initial Setup

During the first start, a new configuration file will be created and you will be asked for several inputs. With your webbrowser open http://localhost:53842/setup (or the appropriate URL) and follow the setup.


The following configuration can be set:

  • Bind to localhost Only allow the server to be accessed from the machine it is running on. Select this if you are running Gokapi behind a reverse proxy or for testing purposes

  • Use SSL Generates a self-signed SSL certificate (which can be replaced with a valid one). Select this if you are not running Gokapi behind a reverse proxy. Please note: Gokapi needs to be restarted in order to renew a certificate.

  • Save IP If set, the IP address of the client requesting a download will be saved to the log file. This might not be GDPR compliant.

  • Webserver Port Set the port that Gokapi can be accessed on

  • Public Facing URL Enter the URL where users from an external network can use to reach Gokapi. The URL will be used for generating download links

  • Redirection URL By default Gokapi redirects to this URL instead of showing a generic page if no download link was passed


This menu guides you through the authentication setup, where you select how an admin user logs in (only user that can upload files)

Username / Password

The default authentication method. A single admin user will be generated that authenticates with a password

OAuth2 OpenID Connect
Setup interface

Use this to authenticate with an OIDC server, e.g. Google or an internal server like Authelia or Keycloak.


Expected Entry


Provider URL

The URL to connect to the OIDC server

Client ID

Client ID provided by the OIDC server

[random String]

Client Secret

Client secret provided by the OIDC server

[random String]

Recheck identity

How often to recheck identity.

If the OIDC server is configured to remember the consent, the user should not receive any further

login prompts and it can be ensured, that the user still exist on the server.

Otherwise the user has actively grant access every time the identity is rechecked. In that case

a higher interval would make sense.

12 hours

Restrict to users

Only allow authorised users to access Gokapi that are listed below


Scope for users

The OIDC scope that contains the user info


Authorised users

List of users that are authorised to log in as an admin, separated by semicolon.

* can be used as a wildcard


Restrict to groups

Only allow users that are part of authorised groups to access Gokapi


Scope for groups

The OIDC scope that contains the group info


Authorised groups

List of groups that are authorised to log their users in as an admin, separated by semicolon.

* can be used as a wildcard



If login is restricted to users and groups, both need to be present for a user to access. That means if a user has only one of the two factors, access to the admin menu will be denied.


A user will be authenticated until the time specified in Recheck identity has passed. To log out all users immediately, re-run the setup with –reconfigure` and complete it. Thereafter all active session will be deleted.


If the OIDC provider is set up to remember consent, it might not be possible to log out through the Gokapi interface

OIDC client/server configuration

When creating an OIDC client on the server, you will need to provide a redirection URL. Enter http[s]://[gokapi URL]/oauth-callback

Tutorial for configuring OIDC servers and the correct client settings for Gokapi can be found in the Examples page for the following servers:

You can find a guide on how to create an OIDC client with Github at Setting up GitHub OAuth 2.0 and a guide for Google at Setting up OAuth 2.0.

Header Authentication

Only use this if you are running Gokapi behind a reverse proxy that is capable of authenticating users, e.g. by using Authelia or Authentik. Keycloak does apparently not support this feature.

Enter the key of the header that returns the username. For Authelia this would be Remote-User and for Authentik X-authentik-username. Separate users with a semicolon or leave blank to allow any authenticated user, e.g.;

Access Restriction

Only use this if you are running Gokapi behind a reverse proxy that is capable of authenticating users, e.g. by using Authelia or Authentik.

This option disables Gokapis internal authentication completely, except for API calls. The following URLs need to be restricted by the reverse proxy:

  • /admin

  • /apiDelete

  • /apiKeys

  • /apiNew

  • /delete

  • /e2eInfo

  • /e2eSetup

  • /logs

  • /uploadChunk

  • /uploadComplete

  • /uploadStatus


This option has potential to be very dangerous, only proceed if you know what you are doing!


Here you can choose where uploaded files shall be stored. Use the option to always store image files to the local storage, if you want to use encryption for cloudstorage, but require hotlink support.

Local Storage

Stores files locally in the subdirectory data by default.



Files will be stored in plain-text, if no encryption is selected later on in the setup

Stores files remotely on an S3 compatible server, e.g. Amazon AWS S3 or Backblaze B2.

It is highly recommended to create a new bucket for Gokapi and set it to “private”, so that no file can be downloaded externally. For each download request Gokapi will create a public URL that is only valid for a couple of seconds, so that the file can be downloaded from the external server directly instead of routing it through the local server.

You then need to create an app key with read-/write-access to this bucket. If you are planning to use the encryption feature, make sure to set the bucket’s CORS rules to allow access from the Gokapi URL.

The following data needs to be provided:






Name of the bucket in use




Name of the region




Name of the API key




Value of the API key secret




Endpoint to use. Leave blank if using AWS S3.

only for Backblaze B2



Encryption has not been audited.

There are three different encryption levels, level 1 encrypts only local files and level 2 encrypts local and files stored on cloud storage (e.g. AWS S3). Decryption of files on remote storage is done client-side, for which a 2MB library needs to be downloaded on first visit. End-to-End encryption (level 3) encrypts the files client-side, therefore even if the Gokapi server has been compromised, no data should leak to the attacker. If the decryption is done client-side, the download on mobile devices may be significantly slower.

There are some drawbacks of using encryption:

No Encryption

Level 1 Local

Level 2 Full

Level 3 End-to-End

File Encryption


Only local files

Local and cloud storage

Local and cloud storage

Hotlink Support



Only local files


Download Progress Indication


Only cloud storage



Download Speed


Might be slower for local files

Slower for remote files, might be slower for local files

Slower for all files

You can choose to store the key in the configuration file, which is preferred if access by other parties to your configuration file is unlikely.

If you are concerned that the configuration file can be read, you can also choose to enter a master password on startup. This needs to be entered in the command line however and Gokapi will not be able to start without it.


If you re-run the setup and enable encryption, unencrypted files will stay unencrypted. If you change any configuration related to encryption, all already encrypted files will be deleted.

Changing Configuration

To change any settings set in the initial setup (e.g. your password or storage location), run Gokapi with the parameter --reconfigure and follow the instructions. A random username and password will be generated and displayed in the program output to access the configuration webpage, as all entered information can be read in plain text (except the user password).

If you are using Docker, shut down the running instance and create a new temporary container with the following command:

docker run --rm -p -v gokapi-data:/app/data -v gokapi-config:/app/config  f0rc3/gokapi:latest /app/ --reconfigure


After completing the setup, all users will be logged out


If you are using Docker, make sure to stop the temporary container and to restart the original one after the setup is complete

Installing a systemd service


Only install Gokapi as a service after running it manually first and completing the setup steps under the Initial Setup section.


This feature is currently only supported on UNIX-like systems that use systemd, for unsupported systems an error message will be shown.

If you want to run Gokapi as a background service that starts on boot, you can use the following command:

sudo ./gokapi --install-service

If you decide later to uninstall the service, you can use the following command:

sudo ./gokapi --uninstall-service

By using either of these commands, all other command line flags will be ignored. Gokapi will try to determine the username of the user that invoked sudo, make sure that it is the correct user. It will not allow the service to be run as the root user.